Students & Parents
Generate comprehensive score reports to maximize your academic performance on SAT and ACT tests.
Test Prep Companies and freelance tutors
Add substantial value to your brand. Create virtual classrooms to generate SAT and ACT score reports for your students, track their performance, and gain detailed insight into their strengths and weaknesses.
Once You Train Your Brain, It Becomes a Habit
Improve your SAT and ACT scores with Axon Test Prep through comprehensive score reports and detailed feedback about your performance. Track your improvements, and identify strengths and weaknesses, through an interactive platform to ensure your success.
Our company objective is to be the axon, or the terminal, through which we can assist those who are looking to identify their academic deficiencies on the SAT and ACT tests. By transferring metrics and information in a creative and effective way, we are able to provide students with a higher success rate of reaching a level of mastery within each required subject area.
Axon Test Prep is your bridge to higher learning and more effective test prep. Through our software, students are able to download our unique scantrons for practice SAT and ACT tests, upload their answers, and receive immediate scores and feedback about their performance. We have spent hundreds of hours decoding the SAT and ACT tests and, through our score reports, can provide students with detailed insight into their strengths and weaknesses, thereby allowing students to work smarter, not harder while preparing for college entrance exams.